artificial high directionals


High Angle Rescues

Precision Techniques for High Angle Rescue Operations High-angle rescue operations require a precise blend of strategy, skill, and reliable equipment to ensure the safe and efficient transition of loads such as litters. Whether raising or lowering a load over a challenging edge, artificial high directionals (AHDs), rope systems, and mechanical advantage setups play a pivotal […]

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Mastering High Angle Rescues

Mastering High Angle Rescues

High-angle rescues present unique challenges, particularly when raising a litter over an edge. Utilizing Artificial High Directionals (AHDs) such as monopods can significantly enhance stability and efficiency during these operations. This guide explores effective rigging systems, ensuring redundancy, and facilitating smooth transitions in high-angle rescue scenarios. Understanding Artificial High Directionals (AHDs) Artificial High Directionals are

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Horizontal Systems Gear

Horizontal Systems Gear

Taglines Taglines are used in horizontal rope systems to control, stabilize, or maneuver a load laterally across a gap or down a slope. They are often simple tensioned lines attached to a load, providing directional control. Purpose: Taglines ensure the load moves along a predetermined path, reducing the chance of unwanted swinging or collisions with

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key articles on artificial high directionals (AHDs) from Rigging Lab Academy:

Artificial High Directionals in Rope Rescue

Safe and Effective Use of Artificial High Directionals in Rope Rescue Artificial high directionals (AHDs) have become essential in rope rescue, allowing teams to set up anchors in hard-to-reach places and overcome complex challenges. While these tools offer a range of configurations, each setup has unique strengths and limitations. Here’s a guide to maximizing the

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Welcome to the 8 Point Search For Rescue Rigging Anchors

Search and Rescue (SAR) members are a crossbred group of heroes that often spend an ungodly amount of time trying fix what others have broken; they are either lost, hurt and damaged, trapped or stuck in places and on things that sometimes defy logic. They do it mostly out of honoring others before themselves or

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The Cost of Doing Business with a Dynamic Directional Between Gin-pole and A-Frame

The cost of rope rescue rigging and training, much less a rescue, has some inherent expenditures.  There is the direct cost of the gear, which to some might seem like a lot, but in reality it pales in comparison to the costs of personnel and training.  These can easily be broken down into professionals who

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Trackline and steep angle litter raise gin-pole as bottom AHD

A-Frame and Gin Pole Trackline with Steep Angle Litter Raise: An Overview of a Dual AHD and Steep Angle Litter Work

Vision, training and rehearsing are purposeful events.  Rarely can someone envision future events without understanding the past as there is no understanding or interpretation without history.  Training involves coaching, education, drills, guidance, discipline and a host of other “things”… in short, “training” can be disastrous if done inappropriately. Rehearsing however is something different.  Rehearsing involves

A-Frame and Gin Pole Trackline with Steep Angle Litter Raise: An Overview of a Dual AHD and Steep Angle Litter Work Read More »

Bombproof Anchors in Rope Rigging Systems

Bombproof Anchors in Rope Rigging Systems

In rope rigging systems, establishing bombproof anchors is paramount to ensure the safety and effectiveness of rescue operations. A bombproof anchor is an anchor point so robust that its failure is inconceivable, providing unwavering support for all attached systems. Defining Bombproof Anchors A bombproof anchor possesses the following characteristics: Structural Integrity: The anchor point is

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Small Team Rescue with Compact Gear

Small Team Rescue with Compact Gear

Small-Team Rescue with Compact Gear: A New Era in Technical Operations In the ever-evolving world of technical rescue, the emphasis on efficiency, agility, and precision is more significant than ever. Traditional large-team operations, while effective, often come with logistical complexities, slower response times, and the challenge of coordinating numerous personnel. Enter the era of small-team

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High-Angle Rigging Training

High-Angle Rigging Training

Weekend at the Volcano: Mastering High-Angle Rigging Techniques Few training opportunities match the intensity and reward of a custom course in high-angle rigging techniques set against the backdrop of a volcanic landscape. Combining real-world challenges with expert instruction, these immersive courses push participants to refine their skills, master advanced systems, and build confidence in high-stakes

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