rope rescue systems

Two Tensioned Rope Rescue Systems

Two Tensioned Rope Rescue Systems For decades, rescue agencies and teams have configured their rope rescue systems around some variation of a fully tensioned main line and an untensioned safety or belay line. Organizations and manufacturers have invested a great deal into research and training to make these rope rescue systems as safe as possible. […]

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Rescue Rope-Based Rigging Concepts: A book review

Rescue Rope-Based Rigging Concepts… A new book by Steve Crandall.  At first glance I see Images, Content and a Warning sign!  A warning sign? Because books are not intended to be used in place of active proficient practice. Steve’s insight on the subject of rope rescue, rigging and intellectual concepts of physics, breathes life into the

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Moving Beyond 10:1 Static System Safety Factor

Moving Beyond 10:1 Static System Saftey Factor Moving Beyond 10:1 SSSF Introducing Force Limiting Systems and Managing the Right Risk at the Right Time ITRS 2014 By: Kirk Mauthner, British Columbia, Canada, Abstract: Most rope rescuers are aware or familiar with the concept of applying a safety factor – such as 10:1 – to

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