Minimalist Mountain and Climber Rescue

Floating the Litter Using an A-Frame and Gin Pole Trackline

Steep angle litter work can be about as difficult as any high angle rescue. The main reason is that the litter attendants will have to pick and choose the terrain while still maintaining patient contact and visual. This isn’t always doable and often teams are working with minimal personnel so choosing a system that works […]

Floating the Litter Using an A-Frame and Gin Pole Trackline Read More »

Comparison between MAESTRO and I’D for a rescue using twin tensioned haul lines

Excerpt from Gear In Use 2: Technical Rescue MAESTRO and I’D allow for efficient hauling, releasing the lock at any time, and a controlled lower of the load. The two devices have different ergonomics and different specifications (working load and efficiency). Hauling The MAESTRO’s efficiency enables the effective use of simple pulley systems. If a

Comparison between MAESTRO and I’D for a rescue using twin tensioned haul lines Read More »

Team Rescue Techniques for Hauling and Lowering with Petzl Maestro

All maneuvers must be done on two independent rope systems. These two systems can work in parallel (two haul lines) or separately (work rope and belay rope). 1. Examples of hauling with work rope and belay rope. All hauling and positioning forces are concentrated on the work rope. The belay rope is set up and

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Anchoring: Focus Floating Guying Concepts

Obviously anchoring as a concept is a huge topic.  The variations in any given anchoring course can range wildly depending on the vision, scope, knowledge and imagination a give team or person has.  Here is what a typical anchoring course would look like.  I have rounded them out to 10 topics. Anchor Points Selection and

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Want To Be A Dirtbag?

I’ve had a lot of bad ideas so I get pretty excited when I have a good one.  The Crackerjack Group recently held a “flyer” of a class we dubbed The Dirtbag Clinic..  and it worked. The idea came about because we had some friends in town for the Mountain Rescue Association Conference and they

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Litter Hauling Techniques Using Dual Capacity or Twin Tension Rope Systems: A Journey Part 1

What to learning something well?… “Do it yourself “.  Well, this isn’t always the case, but for me (right now) it is.  While not obsessed, I am really curious as to what a true minimally viable raise and lower system looks and feels like.  Remember the 3 types of learning?….. Vision, Auditory and Kinesthetic.  Well,

Litter Hauling Techniques Using Dual Capacity or Twin Tension Rope Systems: A Journey Part 1 Read More »

You Will Never Look at Small Gear Small Team Rescue the Same Again

I am pretty excited about the future of our community.  Folks are talking more about what is important and designers, builders, techies, manufacturers, and instructors are all listening to each other… for the most part. 🙂 We are surrounded by amazing people. I have long desired to have a playground to build and adventure into things

You Will Never Look at Small Gear Small Team Rescue the Same Again Read More »

Litter Hauling Techniques: A Little A Goes a Long Way

I wanted to talk a bit about a tool that I know for a fact, not enough people are aware of.   The Jag System from Petzl.  I happened upon this quick tech tip from Petzl and noticed 4 people in the system. Does it or should it really take 4 people to do a raise/lower

Litter Hauling Techniques: A Little A Goes a Long Way Read More »

Drop loop haul on the Petzl I’D for urgent rescue, with Petzl ASAP

In certain cases of extreme urgency requiring a very rapid response, the rescuer can access the victim by descending on one rope. Once the emergency has been addressed, upward evacuation can be secured with two strands of rope.   WARNING: before using this technique, make sure to minimize the risk of rub points or rockfall

Drop loop haul on the Petzl I’D for urgent rescue, with Petzl ASAP Read More »

Lives Undone: Caving Rescue & Confined Spaces, PART 1 CASE FILE N.013 RESCUE RESPONSE TEAM

This is the week of what I consider family and purpose.  While yes… I will fully admit, this entire mock rescue was staged!  News right?  Well, as with all the other Rescue Response Team video series, they are all based on actual rescues.  Systems were altered a bit to reflect more up to date techniques. 

Lives Undone: Caving Rescue & Confined Spaces, PART 1 CASE FILE N.013 RESCUE RESPONSE TEAM Read More »