Search Results for: advanced

CMC MPD ~ Two Rope Offset ~ TTRS

CMC MPD ~ Two Rope Offset ~ TTRS The MPD allows you to go from lowering to raising without changing hardware. More than nine years of research and development went into the patented Multi-Purpose Device (MPD), which features major innovations in advanced technical hardware for rope rescue professionals. The MPD’s high-efficiency pulley, with an integral

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Rigging Multi-Point Anchors In Rope Rescue

Multipoint Anchors Building an anchor system requires much practice and experience. In the end, simplicity and complexity are competency issues. Competency takes time to build and this doesn’t come without an investment of focus and purpose. Building an anchor system requires much practice and experience. When dealing with structures, chose anchor points that are part

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Rigging Lab Academy Plus

Dig deeper and go beyond just knowing about Rigging… Rigging Lab Academy +Plus is your key to solving complex rigging problems with confidence! These online courses will help you and your entire team become better rigging and rescue workers. Introducing Rigging Lab Academy +PLUS Includes all benefits that come with Rigging Lab Academy Essentials, +Plus

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Want To Be A Dirtbag?

I’ve had a lot of bad ideas so I get pretty excited when I have a good one.  The Crackerjack Group recently held a “flyer” of a class we dubbed The Dirtbag Clinic..  and it worked. The idea came about because we had some friends in town for the Mountain Rescue Association Conference and they

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Working on the Horizon Line: Seeing What Lurks Below Requires a Higher Vantage Point

The Story For a long time you were the lone wolf.  Making decisions about life and your team’s future and basing the decisions off of what you thought would be best… without much input from others. We’ve all been in that place and now… we need to rethink how we are making decisions and planning

Working on the Horizon Line: Seeing What Lurks Below Requires a Higher Vantage Point Read More »

The Petzl Jag System Has Become A Go To Tool For At Height Workers and Rescuers

As Torrey and I travel around the country filming and managing a very large amount of footage, it has become very apparent to me that one product has become, what I would call… an “emerging product”.  While in days past, the AZTEK was (and still is to some degree) the work horse for rigging systems…

The Petzl Jag System Has Become A Go To Tool For At Height Workers and Rescuers Read More »