FAQ-Frequently Asked Questions

CAPTO combines a rope grab, pulley, and becket in a single device that reduces the time and complexity of building mechanical advantage systems.

CMC Capto vs. Prusik: Which is Best for Rescue?

When it comes to rescue operations, efficiency and reliability are everything. Progress capture devices like the CMC Capto vs. Prusik play a critical role in controlling loads, securing positions, and ensuring the safety of rescuers and victims. This blog breaks down the key differences between these two tools, exploring their strengths and use cases. Understanding […]

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Essential Rope Rescue Skills On-Demand from knots to advanced techniques, all accessible online.

Essential Rope Rescue Skills On-Demand

Having the right skills in rope rescue is critical, and continuous training is what keeps teams ready for any scenario they might face. With Essential Rope Rescue Skills On-Demand from Rigging Lab Academy, your team has the opportunity to learn foundational skills, practice advanced techniques, and enhance readiness—all at their own pace. This blog explores

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The Hierarchy of Rope Rescue Learning Pathway

The Hierarchy of Rope Rescue Learning Pathway

The Hierarchy of Rope Rescue Learning Pathway Rope rescue is not just about strength and bravery—it’s a meticulous process grounded in science and methodical learning. By understanding the physics and technical demands behind each aspect of rescue, teams can work more efficiently and safely. This blog delves into the key components of rope rescue training,

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CMC Clutch Rescue Gear Versatility and Performance

CMC Clutch Rescue Gear Versatility and Performance

The CMC Clutch by Harken Industrial is a revolutionary piece of equipment designed for a wide range of rescue and rope access operations. Known for its versatility, durability, and safety features, the Clutch has become a trusted tool in both urban and wilderness rescue scenarios, as well as in industrial settings. It excels in tasks

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Advanced Mechanical Advantage Systems in Rescue Operations 1

Advanced Mechanical Advantage Systems in Rescue Operations

Advanced Mechanical Advantage Systems: Enhancing Rescue Operations Across Disciplines Introduction Advanced Mechanical Advantage (MA) Systems are essential tools in the field of technical rescue, providing critical force multiplication that enables rescue teams to move heavy loads with minimal effort. These systems are particularly relevant in industrial rescue, search and rescue (SAR), and technical rescue within

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rope rescue mechanical advantage haul raise and lower

Technical Rope Rescue: Comprehensive Training for Teams

Mastering Technical Rope Rescue: Comprehensive Training for Teams is essential for ensuring the proficiency and safety of your rescue operations. This program equips technicians, instructors, and administrators with the crucial skills and knowledge needed to execute and support effective and safe rope rescue missions, covering everything from equipment handling and knot craft to advanced mechanical

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pickoff techniques in rope rescue operations is a critical component

Comprehensive Guide to Pickoff Rescues in Rope Rescue Operations

Comprehensive Guide to Pickoff Rescues in Rope Rescue Operations The “Comprehensive Guide to Pickoff Rescues in Rope Rescue Operations” emphasizes that managing a patient suspended vertically from a rope is crucial, distinguishing an operational rescuer from a technician, with effective patient packaging and rope patient management being essential to successful rescue operations. Packaging and Managing

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Test Your Rope Rescue Knowledge: Key Questions and Answers for Mastery

Rope rescue operations require mastery in key areas to ensure safety and efficiency. Here, we explore five essential topics that comprise the core of advanced rope rescue knowledge: Mechanical Advantage Systems, Knots and Knot Passing Techniques, Anchor Systems and Bombproof Anchors, Twin Tension Rope Systems, and Patient Packaging and Evacuation. Dive into these subjects with

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Introduction to High Directional Setups and Systems – Part 2

This is part of 2 of 2 – Introduction to High Directional Setups and Systems In the domain of complex rigging, particularly when employing high directional systems, understanding and managing the resultant—where it falls and how it influences stability—is critical. The goal is to visualize the resultant to ensure it lands within the system’s footprint,

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Introduction to High Directional Setups and Systems – Part 1

This is a 2 Part piece… I had a few Rescue Response Gear customer ask for a couple of AHD basic setup ideas – I thought these two would do nicely… So here they are. Before delving into the intricacies of high directional setups and systems, it’s imperative to grasp some foundational concepts, with “resultant”

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