richard delaney

You Will Never Look at Small Gear Small Team Rescue the Same Again

I am pretty excited about the future of our community.  Folks are talking more about what is important and designers, builders, techies, manufacturers, and instructors are all listening to each other… for the most part. 🙂 We are surrounded by amazing people. I have long desired to have a playground to build and adventure into things […]

You Will Never Look at Small Gear Small Team Rescue the Same Again Read More »

Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast: A Common Sense Approach to Your Next Rope Rescue

Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast: A Common Sense Approach to Your Next Rope Rescue “Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast”. This is an old adage that was passed on to me in my first dealings with the fire service. At first it seemed like some sort of cliché or one of many one

Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast: A Common Sense Approach to Your Next Rope Rescue Read More »

Who is Taking Rigging to the Next Level?

So who is taking this industry to the next level?  Manufacturers?  Riggers? Trainers? Who? So this might offend some and others may agree… still others may not have even thought about this.  Having watched Valley Uprising for the umpteenth time, I am simply flabbergasted at how the levels keep getting raised. Now I am not

Who is Taking Rigging to the Next Level? Read More »

Advanced Rigging Physics: Equipment (Trailer with Richard Delaney)

This course takes a detailed look at the equipment used by the roping technician. It applies the language and understanding of the first course (Advanced Rigging Physics – Physics for Roping Technicians 1: Vectors & Mechanical Advantage) to connectors, cordage, knots and the way forces are absorbed during falls. Finally, there is a discussion about

Advanced Rigging Physics: Equipment (Trailer with Richard Delaney) Read More »

Advanced Rigging Physics: Vectors & Mechanical Advantage (Trailer)-Richard Delaney

This course covers the basic physics that apply to roping systems. This course should enable technicians to develop a deeper understanding and a sound approach to problem-solving. Considering force and tension as vectors and finding creative ways to apply these in the field makes it so much easier to define resultants and calculate mechanical advantage

Advanced Rigging Physics: Vectors & Mechanical Advantage (Trailer)-Richard Delaney Read More »

Advanced Rigging Physics: Vectors & Mechanical Advantage (Trailer)-Richard Delaney

This course covers the basic physics that apply to roping systems. This course should enable technicians to develop a deeper understanding and sound approach to problem solving. Considering force and tension as vectors and finding creative ways to apply these in the field makes it so much easier to define resultants and calculate mechanical advantage

Advanced Rigging Physics: Vectors & Mechanical Advantage (Trailer)-Richard Delaney Read More »

Advanced Rigging Physics: Vectors & Mechanical Advantage (Trailer)-Richard Delaney

  This course covers the basic physics that apply to roping systems. This course should enable technicians to develop a deeper understanding and sound approach to problem solving. Considering force and tension as vectors and finding creative ways to apply these in the field makes it so much easier to define resultants and calculate mechanical

Advanced Rigging Physics: Vectors & Mechanical Advantage (Trailer)-Richard Delaney Read More »

fall factor in rigging systems


This is a re-post from and Richard Delaney Fall Factor The term ‘Fall Factor’ (FF) is often used to describe the ratio of the distance fallen to the amount of rope in the system that is available to absorb the energy associated with arresting the fall. Fall Factor = Distance fallen ÷ Rope in