petzl jag

Two Rope Tension System A-Frame Resultant Insight, Part 1

Let’s review some of the basic concepts starting with a term you’re going to hear a whole bunch: resultant. Resultant is a very important term when you work with a high directional. Defining a resultant is what determines if your high directional is going to be stable or not. So when we say resultant, the […]

Two Rope Tension System A-Frame Resultant Insight, Part 1 Read More »

Want To Be A Dirtbag?

I’ve had a lot of bad ideas so I get pretty excited when I have a good one.  The Crackerjack Group recently held a “flyer” of a class we dubbed The Dirtbag Clinic..  and it worked. The idea came about because we had some friends in town for the Mountain Rescue Association Conference and they

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