a frame anchor frame

A Frame | TWIN BUNDLE HIGHLINE | Horizontal Rigging

We’ve moved over to the floating A-frame, very much like the floating A-frame that we used for the single track line, but as we said, we’ve added the second track line here. It’s very important that these two track lines be tensioned the same. We would never mix products, for instance. We would never have […]

A Frame | TWIN BUNDLE HIGHLINE | Horizontal Rigging Read More »

Two Rope Tension System A-Frame Resultant Insight, Part 1

Excerpt from “A Guide to Artificial High Directionals & Two Tension Rope Systems” Defining a resultant is what determines if your high directional is going to be stable or not. So when we say resultant, the full term is a resultant vector. A vector is a measure of force and direction. Here, we’re talking about resultants through the

Two Rope Tension System A-Frame Resultant Insight, Part 1 Read More »