Technical Learning

Capacity Planning For Rescue Rigging: “The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry”

“The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry” or better said “The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men” is a poem about “life, death, planning and strategy”… not always going as planned. According to legend, Robert Burns was ploughing in the fields and accidentally destroyed a mouse’s nest, which it needed to survive the winter. Oops! No matter how carefully a project is planned, something may still go wrong with it.  The […]

Capacity Planning For Rescue Rigging: “The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry” Read More »

Using Pareto’s 80/20 Principle within Technical Rope Rescue

**This content is background and referential ONLY** The strategy of the 80/20 Pareto Principle can be applied to rope rescue teams and systems. This strategy can help build a team and system that is efficient, effective, and able to respond quickly during an emergency situation. The strategy consists of two dimensions: identifying what matters most

Using Pareto’s 80/20 Principle within Technical Rope Rescue Read More »

Want to Increase Your Learning Capacity? Match Your Metacognition with Your Cognition…

The learning process is fascinating to me.  We are created unique in every area of our lives.  Is it any wonder why every few years there are new break-throughs in slowing the aging process, fitness, health, mental capacity, technology and learning.  Ever heard of “metacognition”?   I hadn’t until more recently. What you are about to

Want to Increase Your Learning Capacity? Match Your Metacognition with Your Cognition… Read More »

What’s the #1  leadership and team building mistake rope rescue technician’s make?

The year was 2003… almost 5 years post my bellwether event in Sedona. These “leaders” had shown me not just an existence of something new, but of a direction of a trend of things to come. During these years, I had taken other courses and had become much more familiar with “the vertical terrain”. Mind

What’s the #1  leadership and team building mistake rope rescue technician’s make? Read More »

Why are Rescue and Rigging Anchors More Important than Anything Else?

In our heads, we know that anchors are the most important part of any rigging or rescue system.  We know that because it has been drilled into our skulls, but I would venture to say that the reasons for this is inescapably unclear for many.   My goal here is to simply bring about a

Why are Rescue and Rigging Anchors More Important than Anything Else? Read More »

10 Concepts Powered To Increase Your Teaching and Learning

We’ve passed the age of whether or not to include online learning to our cache of educational options… It is here and if you’re not in the midst of learning via online modes you are already behind.  This is especially true for rescue and rigging folks.  It isn’t that rope rescue rigging systems and equipment

10 Concepts Powered To Increase Your Teaching and Learning Read More »

Capturing Your Passions Even When Your Aren’t Looking For Them: Inspiration, Motivation or Interest?

“SET YOUR OWN STANDARDS, AND I PERSONALLY THINK YOU SHOULD SET THEM VERY HIGH.” Let’s start with a compression-tension example for life… pulling and pushing forces. Inspiration is something that you feel on the inside, while motivation is something from the outside that compels you to take action. Inspiration is a driving force, while motivation

Capturing Your Passions Even When Your Aren’t Looking For Them: Inspiration, Motivation or Interest? Read More »

Tools vs Knowledge And Which Is More Important?

So before I jump into this, let’s get the definition correct here.  Knowing there are deflected meanings to words these days, I am not referring to people or a person as a “tool” ( The Urban Dictionary has it this way… A guy with a hugely over-inflated ego, who in an attempt to get un-due

Tools vs Knowledge And Which Is More Important? Read More »

The Omni Of The Rope Rescue and Rigging Pulley World: Rock Exotica Omni-Block Swivel Pulleys

The Omni Of The Rope Rescue and Rigging Pulley World: Rock Exotica Omni-Block Swivel Pulleys So what exactly does “Omni” mean?   The designers of the Omni Block pulley have some very elevated claims about their product.  Here are a few definitions of the word “omni”. Combining Form Without Limits In All Ways and Places

The Omni Of The Rope Rescue and Rigging Pulley World: Rock Exotica Omni-Block Swivel Pulleys Read More »

LAUNCH Into Rigging System Solutions: It Is Easier Than You Think

So having just come back from a weekend with a bunch of nerds… rigging nerds, I realized a great many things and while I am still pontificating most of the information, I came away with a way to help me bridge the information into something practical and useful.  So here is a super quick, down

LAUNCH Into Rigging System Solutions: It Is Easier Than You Think Read More »