No Implementation Means Flushing Your Strategy and Tactics Down The Drain

The following information is tilted towards building a solid rope rescue and rigging team, but I would be remiss to say that it applies to thousands of other “purposes”, but also to the inanimacy of a “rigging system” as a whole or in part. By viewing your rigging systems as an organic makeup of living […]

No Implementation Means Flushing Your Strategy and Tactics Down The Drain Read More »

Artificial High Direction (AHD) Easel A-Frame Using Arizona Vortex Multipod Part 2

  As noted in other literature, the most overlooked challenge of setting up any AHD is controlling the vector forces or resultants.  Now, we have a bunch of training videos through Rigging Lab Academy that talk about this in depth, but for this short snippet, I am simply making this a point of reference.  And

Artificial High Direction (AHD) Easel A-Frame Using Arizona Vortex Multipod Part 2 Read More »

Elevated High Directional Mini Series Part 1-The AHD Overview

Mitigating “edge trauma”, as many call it… is likely the most arduous job of any rigger or rope rescue team.  Edge trauma is all about the transition vertical to horizontal terrain (or visa versa).  It is difficult and can be dangerous.  So it is here the vision and strategy of anchoring and positioning the working

Elevated High Directional Mini Series Part 1-The AHD Overview Read More »