Simple and Safe Rigging | Using an Equalized or Distributive Anchor Without A Knot

Written By: Lance Piatt

The NFPA 1006 2008 edition is the US Standard for Technical Rescuer Qualifications. Skills and procedures are categorized according to NFPA 1006 stands with the goal of assisting rescuers to meet or exceed the general job job performance requirements of (JPR) of Technical Rescuer and the specific requirements for Level 1 and Level 2 in technical rescue, rope rescue, confined space rescue, swift water rescue, surface ice, trench rescue, and structural collapse. We are focusing on the rope rescue end of things here.

RRG Products Used in this Solution:

[products skus=”HWFALCONAL P,HWEAGLEAL P”]


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3 thoughts on “Simple and Safe Rigging | Using an Equalized or Distributive Anchor Without A Knot”

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