Designing Your Processes

Self Determination is Success From Your Perspective… We Need To Be Rescued!

“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.” – Steve Jobs Let’s clear one thing up first before moving on… Yes, there are missions and objectives that are binary – Think military!  There are systems that must be developed and built in sequence in order to function – Think […]

Self Determination is Success From Your Perspective… We Need To Be Rescued! Read More »

How Do We Measure Potential and Success?

The following is inferred from the book The GAP and the GAIN by Dan Sullivan The context is human development, not algorithmic outcomes. The question as to where measure success has been around for thousands of years.  The topic could be about personal development or team development.  How about some topics for success? How to

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How the Fire & Search and Rescue Can Leverage a 6 Step Small Business Model

We live in a very different world than we did a few years ago and though it appears to be completely off the rails, but incredible events are on the horizon.  I want to suggest we are going to be entering into an age where people and business will flourish; men and women who stake

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Mainline Rescue Systems: Pre-plan the Working Line

Pre-plan the Working Line All too often, teams rig their haul system with the progress capture device (the ratchet) at a directional anchor located in front of the mechanical advantage system.  This ratchet position is most often due to the lack of pre-planning the layout of the working/haul line system. Usually, the rigger will build

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A Disciplined Life Part 4 – Economic Objectives for Rescue Teams

Rescue teams are essential to providing aid and support during times of crisis. As such, they need to be well-equipped, organized, and have clear economic objectives in order to effectively do their job. Leadership within the team needs to prioritize what economic objectives should be put in place for each mission. These economic objectives will

A Disciplined Life Part 4 – Economic Objectives for Rescue Teams Read More »

A Disciplined Life Part 1: A 4 Burners Theory Will Help You Get More Done With Less

This is a multi-part Series on Discipline and Accountability As mentioned, this is a multi-part series focusing on “discipline and accountability”.  This will be a tough “row to hoe”.  Why? Comparing business (private sector) to public sector (government) isn’t really done much.  Honestly, most of the direct comparisons are done within the scope of “the

A Disciplined Life Part 1: A 4 Burners Theory Will Help You Get More Done With Less Read More »

8 Defined Rescue Rigging Systems That Will Astonish The Entire Team… By Using Well Define Processes

When we developed ideas into courses, we considered many things.  Yes, we went through the SWOT analysis as well. Know this will get you What, Where, When, and How! Strengths Opportunities Weaknesses Threats I will let you reference this, however we went through all  4 elements before we engineered, designed, went to production and released

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Grab Your Free “Gear In Use” Course and Petzl Solutions Rigging Guide

The ante has been raised in our industry.  The need for running teams and systems in a more streamlined manner has become less a wish and more a practical goal.  Some have met this challenge and surpassed it, while others are still pursuing the vision.  There are real-life obstacles we face (every day) that stand

Grab Your Free “Gear In Use” Course and Petzl Solutions Rigging Guide Read More »

5 Reasons Why Online Learning is More Effective

Online learning can be the most measurable way to increase understanding and perception of today’s learning methods.  Students working around their existing responsibilities and commitments and they don’t have to travel anywhere to study.  They can log in to the virtual campus from the comfort of their own home or office and off they go.

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