Search Results for: offsets

Streamlining Rescue Operations: Dual AHD Systems for Efficient Trackline Offsets

Streamlining Rescue Operations: Dual AHD Systems for Efficient Trackline Offsets In the dynamic landscape of technical rescue, the implementation of dual Artificial High Directional (AHD) systems to construct a trackline offset stands as a testament to both innovation and strategic planning. Our operation utilized two distinct and separate AHDs—an SA Frame for the two-tension working […]

Streamlining Rescue Operations: Dual AHD Systems for Efficient Trackline Offsets Read More »

Shared Side -A Frame – Monopod Trackline

Streamlining Rescue Operations: Dual AHD Systems for Efficient Trackline Offsets The beauty of using a two tension rope system (TTRS) as the working line(s) is the redundancy and increased safety factor of the system. A single tracking line was used here as we understood the system was well within acceptable safety margins. The patient would

Shared Side -A Frame – Monopod Trackline Read More »

Dynamic Directional Offset System Using an A-Frame and Natural High Directional

Dynamic Directional Offset System Using an A-Frame and Natural High Directional Over time, we’ve found this style of deflection offset to be really fun. They have their limits, as with any system, but strength (when properly rigged and run) comes easy and we appreciate the versatility it offers. Large gaps or spans are typically the

Dynamic Directional Offset System Using an A-Frame and Natural High Directional Read More »

Class 5 Litter Handling & Offset Rigging

Class 5 Litter Handling It may be necessary to lower the litter and rescuer past a roof or overhang. In this event, it will often be best for the litter tender to get his or her legs through the spiders or above the spiders so that he or she can hold the litter away from

Class 5 Litter Handling & Offset Rigging Read More »

9 Ways To Quickly Get A Hold of the 3 Types of Mechanical Advantage Systems

Get More Done With Less… and remove the mystery out of “the theory” of Mechanical Advantage Systems. Mechanical Advantage Systems ~ arguably is the “bulwark” of rope rescue… giving strong support, encouragement and leadership to those in need. Wait!  Doesn’t “bulwark” have to do with wall like structures raised for defense? Like a seawall?  Sort

9 Ways To Quickly Get A Hold of the 3 Types of Mechanical Advantage Systems Read More »

Dynamic Directional Offset System Using an A-Frame and Natural High Directional

Over time, we’ve found this style of deflection offset to be really fun. They have their limits, as with any system, but strength (when properly rigged and run) comes easy and we appreciate the versatility it offers. Large gaps or spans are typically the MO for dynamic directionals. We used a standard A-Frame configuration on

Dynamic Directional Offset System Using an A-Frame and Natural High Directional Read More »

The Cost of Doing Business with a Dynamic Directional Between Gin-pole and A-Frame

The cost of rope rescue rigging and training, much less a rescue, has some inherent expenditures.  There is the direct cost of the gear, which to some might seem like a lot, but in reality it pales in comparison to the costs of personnel and training.  These can easily be broken down into professionals who

The Cost of Doing Business with a Dynamic Directional Between Gin-pole and A-Frame Read More »

Basic Highline System with Pulleys, Rope and Pulley Systems for High Angle Technical Rescue

Basic Highline System with Pulleys, Rope and Pulley Systems for High Angle Technical Rescue   Highline operations are one of the most dangerous and most difficult vertical rescues. Highline rescues invoke the use of advanced rigging skills, performed by advanced technicians. Under no circumstances should a highline be attempted solely on the instruction of this

Basic Highline System with Pulleys, Rope and Pulley Systems for High Angle Technical Rescue Read More »

CMC Arizona Vortex Series 3 of 4: Arizona Vortex Sideways A-Frames

Arizona Vortex Sideways A-Frames Depending on your edge conditions or the topography of the surface, you might not be able to use a traditional easel leg A-frame. In that case, the Vortex allows you to go to a sideways easel leg and that way you can work the Vortex into a narrower condition. Or maybe

CMC Arizona Vortex Series 3 of 4: Arizona Vortex Sideways A-Frames Read More »

CMC Arizona Vortex Series 1 of 4: Introduction to the Arizona Vortex

The originator of modern artificial high directionals (AHD)s, the Vortex is a tripod, bipod and monopod in one all-inclusive kit. Its precision machined two-piece head can be rigged as a standard tripod or, in advanced applications, as an A-frame, Sideways A-frame, Gin Pole or a multitude of other configurations. The tripod can be formed into

CMC Arizona Vortex Series 1 of 4: Introduction to the Arizona Vortex Read More »