What Moves You?

Written By: Lance Piatt

climbing equipment

In our industry, what moves us are pulleys and mechanical advantage. But in our being, what moves us is much deeper. What moves me is the hope of releasing vision, passion and purpose in others and one platform for this is Rigging Lab Academy and the network of people that surrounds me. So my question to you is… What Moves You? What creates in you such a spark, as to bring about such encouragement that you literally have to move a step closer just to see if it feels better. What this is about is your gift to the world… giving what you have so that others are better for it. This post is specifically for those who want to teach, encourage, mentor, or instruct. Notice I list them separately. They are not the same, but all have elements or aspects to them that weave through each other or borrow from each in order to give back a greater return or reward.

The next few blog posts will develop this process.  Simply put, RLA needs your gifts, and similarly… you need those who need your gifts.  Literally 10s of thousands of people around this planet desperately need to know more about their work and play environment and how to maneuver through it.  They need to do it safely, efficiently and get home safely.

So let’s get into this shall we?  I love to ask people I meet…” so, what makes you tick”?  You have likely heard this before, however have you ever truly had to answer it?  If your life depended on it, could you?  See, you have in you gifts that people need and their lives could depend on it.  You have answers and information that people are desperate for.  Please don’t think for a moment this for showmanship or something less than honorable.  We all are created to do great things and I love to pull this stuff out of people and watch them run in it.  So here we go…. Three Ingredients.  1. Visions 2. Passion and 3. Purpose

  • Vision: An experience of seeing someone or something in a dream or trance, or as a supernatural apparition. Wow!
  • Passion: Strong and barely controllable emotion.
  • Purpose: The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.

As I revealed in the beginning of this post…  I am wanting to build and curate hundreds of amazing teachers, instructors, and mentors and do this through RLA.  In future posts I will discuss why from a business stand point, this is huge for you (click here to get involved), but for now lets’ focus on something more basic.  What you have to give.  Each of the above “verbs” need to have a statement attached to them.  These create Statements of Truth that are uniquely you.  No one else has them.  You are pulling the gold out in the form of a Vision Statement, Passion Statement, and Purpose Statement.  Together, they make a Mission Statement.  I will tackle these in another blog later.

The reasons these statements are vital is that you really don’t know what you have until you ask (yourself and others).  You should be stoked at who you are and others will be as well.  So  you are an excellent rigger and can talk about it and show people “what you do”, this isn’t always enough for everyone.  Some people simply need to see something done and that works great for them. Others need to understand “the Why”, because they just need to feel a part of “the What”.  Others are a combo and some or all it them.  So what we are asking here is “how do you personally learn”?  What makes people excited is the connection they have with the person they are learning from.  This my friends,will pay huge dividends towards your own business.  Yep.. You didn’t catch that?  We are literally helping you build your own business platform.

A piece of our value system is to release significance and excellence to those we work with.  So for those who are remotely interested in building a tribe and a following for your unique training and educational perspectives… 3 Steps

  1. Go to rigginglabacademy.com/get-involved/ and download the packets listed under Get Involved.
  2. Fill the applications out and send them to info@rigginglabacademy.com and include a comment that you’d like to know more about build a Vision-Passion-Purpose statement for business you are considering to build.
  3. Read back through the applications and consider which is more of a fit.

Why are we asking for this?

  1. Help people build their dreams is what we do.
  2. We are always looking for amazing content.
  3. We are always looking to come along side amazing people who have content and want to deliver it somehow.
  4. Not all content is designed for video and better built through articles first then video.
  5. Some content while easier on a written medium would be best suited for the video realm.
  6. The application helps with this process.

I am excited and really looking forward to working with each and everyone of you.  I will leave you with this…  if you are a back yard rigger with a wild imagination, an industrial rigger with a ton of experience that just needs to get out there, rope access enthusiast who is daring to make a difference (tree climbing, theatrical and entertainment rigger, event rigger etc…), a stoked slackliner or climbing instructor with enough excitement to share things from the field, canyoneering specialist (dry or wet climate), rescue technician who wants that next level to learn by teaching others on a larger scale, or any of the hundreds of uniquely qualified individuals (say a student who can’t seem to get anyone to take him/her seriously but has exceptional leadership and teaching qualities)… RLA is an amazing place to start.



Lance Piatt is Founder of Rigging Lab Academy Inc. His other ventures include Rescue Response Gear Inc., Raven Collective Media and Trails 2 The Sea.


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