Mastering Knot Passing Through a System: Techniques for Twin Tension Systems

Written By: Lance Piatt

knot passing with on raise with twin tension system

The Twin Tension System (TTS) significantly simplifies knot passing during rope rescue operations, particularly in raising scenarios. This system allows for seamless transition and load management by utilizing staggered knot locations, enabling one side of the twin system to handle the load while adjustments are made on the other. This method is particularly effective with devices such as the Clutch and similar mechanical advantage devices. Here’s a step-by-step guide to effectively manage a knot pass in a raising system using the Twin Tension System:

Step 1: Position the Knot and Prusik Hitch

  • Begin by raising the load until the Prusik hitch and the knot are about 1.5 meters below the Clutch. This distance provides adequate space to manage the knot and hitch effectively.
  • Reset the Prusik hitch on the alternate rope to prepare for the transfer of load.

Step 2: Secure Temporary Anchor

  • Pull slack from the 3:1 system and tie a figure eight loop in the rope. Connect this loop securely to the anchor. This step creates a temporary holding point that facilitates the adjustment of the knot and system without losing control over the load.

Step 3: Transfer the Load

  • Continue to haul on the second rope until sufficient slack is created in the first rope. This maneuver allows the first rope to be adjusted without bearing load.
  • Remove the rope from the Clutch and then rerig with the knot positioned above the Clutch. This repositioning is crucial for the next steps in the raise.
  • Once adjusted, disconnect the figure eight loop and untie it, freeing the rope for continued use.

Step 4: Final Adjustment and Continuation of the Raise

  • Remove the Prusik hitch from the system, as it is no longer needed to hold the load.
  • Rig the 3:1 system below the Clutch, ensuring that it is securely attached and ready to take on the load.
  • Continue the raising operation, now with the rope system correctly adjusted and the knot effectively managed.

Importance of the Twin Tension System in Raising Operations

Utilizing a Twin Tension System for knot passing in raising operations offers several significant advantages:

  • Efficiency: Allows for quick and effective management of knots, minimizing downtime and disruption during rescue operations.
  • Safety: Provides a redundant system where the load is safely managed and controlled, reducing the risk associated with single-line systems.
  • Versatility: Compatible with various mechanical advantage devices, this method adapts well to different types of rescue scenarios.

This technique ensures that rope rescues are conducted with a high level of safety and efficiency, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the operation. By mastering this method, rescue teams can improve their operational capabilities and ensure a smoother execution of rescue missions involving complex rope systems.

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