From Last Week
Let’s clear one thing up first before moving on… Yes, there are missions and objectives that are binary – Think military! There are systems that must be developed and built in sequence in order to function – Think engineering! There are many other examples… However, these are intrinsically separate from that of creativity, innovation and cooperation.
Review from last week..
GAP– The Gap is a space between our current situation and the ideal. It can be an uncomfortable place; when we are in The Gap, we often feel unsuccessful and disappointed in ourselves. This lack of confidence can lead us to become disenchanted and demoralized.
GAIN – The Gain is a term I use to describe the feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment we get when looking back at how far we’ve come. We can measure our progress from where we began to where we are now and be proud that, despite any setbacks or challenges along the way, we have achieved great things. This boosts our confidence, making us feel good about ourselves and our abilities. By taking stock of the progress we’ve made, The Gain can help to remind us that, no matter what comes our way, it is possible to succeed if we keep pushing forward.
We are after these specific elements. These 3 fundamental elements or characteristics make us vastly different than a machine or computer! These are part of being a self-determined Image Bearer! “The glory of God is a human being fully alive; and to be alive consists in beholding God.” Irenaeus
- Creativity
- Innovation
- Cooperation
The next section will be the barometer of what we use for “projects, missions or objectives” for ourselves. We use a Mission Statement to do this, but within this statement is found our “values”. A Value is the intangible quality or concept assigned to an item, action or idea that makes it valuable, important or useful. It is based on a variety of factors, including economic, social and cultural contexts. Value can refer to both tangible objects like money, as well as intangible items such as respect and honor. Values are also interconnected; something of value to one person may not be seen as valuable by another. Therefore, it is important to consider the context in order to understand the significance and meaning of value. Values are used to guide decision-making processes, and can also lead to an understanding of how different cultures view the world.
6 Filtering Questions which will act as your personal success criteria: This is essential for those who tend to over-commit or are scattered (of which I am both).
- Is this an opportunity, person, expense, adventure, experience, relationship, commitment, etc., aligned with my values? (If the answer is “no”, then don’t not proceed with the remaining questions and drop it.)
- Will this opportunity take advantage of my unique ability and make me even stronger? Will it lengthen my stride?
- How will this opportunity, ecdt., benefit mankind? Is there a bigger cause of purpose that will benefit society?
- Does this make sense financially?
- Is this transactional or transformational? In other words, is this a stand-along opportunity or gateway opportunity?
- If I say “yes” to this, what must I say “no” to?
Admittedly this is pretty hard to do, but the more you do it, the easier it is and later becomes automatic in your thought.
These 6 questions can be whittle down to –
Will this make me… Realize when doing this, there is always a cost involved.
- Go Faster
- Get Better
- Get Stronger
- Become Great (Again)
“Vagueness generates vagueness, so you must be specific when describing your intentions and desired results.”
Peace on your Days