Each block of the graph represents those things that are instrumental in performing a successful technical rescue. These blocks include personnel, equipment, training, and leadership. Each level is supported by the larger and more substantial level immediately below. The Rescue Level is supported by training level blocks that are more extensive and demanding higher skills. The Training Level is supported by the instructor level. Conversely, these instructors must be held to a higher level of understanding and performance than what is required at the training level. The Instructor Level is reliant on continual input and support from the Research and Development Level. Each level drives and influences the other levels. Indeed, this profession is never stagnant, it is always changing. Our calling should be to ride this wave of evolution and become the best technical rescuers possible.






  1. Training For The Unexpected starts with your Research and Development team.  Setting your standard operation procedures never just happens.  Getting these things started is a pain and incredibly frustrating.  However, it must happen and researching your purpose, knowing the goals and techniques and developing a team around them is Job #1.  Nothing happens without this.
  2. Equip For the Unplanned begins with knowing what is priority and what isn’t.  Priority means Only!  Priority is a singular word and was never intended to be plural.  You can not have multiple priorities…  Equipping a team goes way past just buying implementing the gear or equipment. That said… Instructing is where the rubber meets the road.  A team will never move past existing leadership and instruction.
  3. Prepare for the unknown is the training level.  Always train above the call of duty.  Surprises happen!  The more tools in the toolbox, but the better off you’ll.  NOTE.. expand the use of your tool before you expand the tool selection.
  4. Rescuing the unfortunate is what makes the news.  Remember, at some point in your life, you will need to be rescued.  Life Is As Life Does and the conflict between Is and Does will always lend itself to misfortune.  Preparedness is about the cycle of learning and process. Rescue level is the level of all other preceding levels combined.









Dedicated to everyone who risks their lives to rescue those in need!

As always… rig safely and once the foundations are understood… be creative!

Peace on your days…


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